Sealcoat Your Asphalt Today
Preserve and Protect Your Driveway, Private Road, Parking Lot
Save Thousands of Dollars
Prolong Your Asphalt Life
By applying a layer of Sealcoat to your asphalt you can ensure that by doing so you are saving thousands of dollars. The reason for this is that it is a lot cheaper to seal your driveway every few years then to completely repave it.
Sealcoating is a crucial part of a proper asphalt maintenance program.
Applying a layer of sealcoat will prevent and protect your asphalt from harmful substances . Such as oil spills, extreme weather, and excessive amounts of pressure.

A New Road Again
Restore Curbside Appeal
Sealcoating is a fantastic way to enhance the looks of not only your asphalt, but also increase your property value as a whole.


More Reasons To Sealcoat
Protects From Freeze and Thaw Cycle:
Water is one of the most damaging elements to your asphalt surface. When frozen, water expands in size and becomes one of the strongest forces in nature. This problem is extreamly prevalent in the the Vancouver/Portland area, due to our climate. The problem with water collecting in the pores and cracks of asphalt is that the surface freeze first, forcing the ice to move downward. This, in turn, will cause deep cracking of the asphalt down to the gravel base, which will soften and damage the integrity of the base, leading to further deterioration of the asphalt, the effect of the freeze and thaw cycle will destroy the asphalt in a short period of time.
Resists Gas and Oil Drippings
Sealcoat fills the naturally porous surface of asphalt, protecting it from the damaging effects of water, gasoline, oil, diesel, salt, cleaning products, and chemicals.
Protects Surface From Drying Out:
Sealcoating will also restore the elasticity to the surface of the asphalt. Asphalt is elastic by nature, since it expands and contracts from the heat of the sun. Asphalt, being black in color, absorbs heat form the sun very efficiently. If the asphalt is left unprotected, the heat will dry out the blacktop and cause it to become brittle. This will lead to cracking and “alligatoring” followed by premature failure of the asphalt. After the asphalt has failed, the only option is to replace, which is costly compared to preventative maintenance.
Keep The Weeds and Moss Out:
Weeds tend to grow through cracks and breaks in the asphalt. At AME Asphalt Maintenance, we clean and fill in all cracks using a hot rubberized crack filler before sealcoating. This keeps the vegetation from growing back. Moss and weeds have a difficult time growing though a sealed surface. Call today, to request a free pavement maintenance estimate.
Protects From Freeze and Thaw Cycle:
Water is one of the most damaging elements to your asphalt surface. When frozen, water expands in size and becomes one of the strongest forces in nature. This problem is extreamly prevalent in the the Vancouver/Portland area, due to our climate. The problem with water collecting in the pores and cracks of asphalt is that the surface freeze first, forcing the ice to move downward. This, in turn, will cause deep cracking of the asphalt down to the gravel base, which will soften and damage the integrity of the base, leading to further deterioration of the asphalt, the effect of the freeze and thaw cycle will destroy the asphalt in a short period of time.
Protects Surface From Drying Out:
Sealcoating will also restore the elasticity to the surface of the asphalt. Asphalt is elastic by nature, since it expands and contracts from the heat of the sun. Asphalt, being black in color, absorbs heat form the sun very efficiently. If the asphalt is left unprotected, the heat will dry out the blacktop and cause it to become brittle. This will lead to cracking and “alligatoring” followed by premature failure of the asphalt. After the asphalt has failed, the only option is to replace, which is costly compared to preventative maintenance.
Keep The Weeds and Moss Out:
Weeds tend to grow through cracks and breaks in the asphalt. At AME Asphalt Maintenance, we clean and fill in all cracks using a hot rubberized crack filler before sealcoating. This keeps the vegetation from growing back. Moss and weeds have a difficult time growing though a sealed surface. Call today, to request a free pavement maintenance estimate.
Resists Gas and Oil Drippings
Sealcoat fills the naturally porous surface of asphalt, protecting it from the damaging effects of water, gasoline, oil, diesel, salt, cleaning products, and chemicals.
Drone Footage
We take drone footage before and after sealing coating your driveway, private road, or parking lot.
Have Questions? Need Advice? Call Toll Free:
An Idea of What We Can Do

Residential Driveway - Received Sealcoat, Crack Repair using a rubberized crack filler and a special mix of asphalt emulsion to fix alligator areas

Residential Driveway - Received Sealcoat, Crack Repair using a rubberized crack filler and a special mix of asphalt emulsion to fix alligator areas

Residential Driveway - Received Sealcoat, Crack Repair using a rubberized crack filler and a special mix of asphalt emulsion to fix alligator areas

Commercial Parking Lot - Received Sealcoat and Line Striping

Industrial Asphalt Resurfacing

Church Parking Lot Resurfacing and Striping
Some Ways We Apply It
Working Seal In With Bristle Brush
Spraying Edge Using Spray Guard
Working Seal In With Bristle Brush
Spraying Edge Using Spray Guard
Applying With Spray








A Few Words From Some Of Our Happy Customers
